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In a world of screens, it's easy to forget that we actually live on a lush green planet filled with diverse wildlife. 

But the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition is here to remind you that nature will forever be more impressive and beautiful than even the most advanced CGI.

This year's winner is a portrait of two golden snub-nosed monkeys. The photo, entitled "The Golden Couple," was shot by Dutch photographer Marsel van Oosten in the forest of China’s Qinling Mountains, the only habitat for this endangered species.

The photo was selected because it celebrates "the majestic and otherworldly presence of nature, and reminds us of our crucial role in protecting it," Natural History Museum Director Sir Michael Dixon said in a press release. Read more...

More about Photography, Science, Nature, Animals In The Wild, and Wildlife Photography

from Mashable
New Technology Updates New Technology Updates Reviewed by Soft Expert on October 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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