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New Technology Updates


TL;DR: Get these premium soundbars for up to $600 off when you shop sales at Walmart, Best Buy, and in the PCMag Shop (which, full disclosure, is owned by the Mashable's parent company Ziff Davis).

Today's electronics manufacturers are in an arms race to make the sleekest, flattest TVs possible, a task made easier recently by developments in OLED technologies. That's fine and good for the displays themselves, but not so great for their sound systems; there's just no room in a wallpaper-thin TV for decent speakers.

Enter: the soundbar, a long, rectangular device packed with speakers that you can pair with your TV to beef up its audio quality.  Read more...

More about Samsung, Sony, Mashable Shopping, Soundbar, and Shopping Pcmag

from Mashable
New Technology Updates New Technology Updates Reviewed by Soft Expert on July 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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